Three Prong Wine Degasser and Mixing Tool
The best wine stirrer that the winemaking world has to offer!
The best wine stirrer that the winemaking world has to offer!
Degas and stir your wine like a pro! The three-pronged wine degasser makes use of three elongated prongs that spread out and kick CO2 out of solution like no other degassing tool on the market! The 3 pronged degassing tool is attached to a drill and is used by lowering into the carboy and cranking for a minute or so, then reversing direction and going for another minute or so. After a few cycles, your wine will be completely and thoroughly degassed! No more residual carbon dioxide in solution that can give rise to exploding bottles or a carbonic acid "bite" in your wines. Get your wines degassed like they need to be with this 3 pronged degasser!
Can also be used with beer making! The three pronged degasser is a GREAT tool for creating a whirlpool in your brew kettle after the boil, AND for aerating your wort prior to yeast pitching.
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